
Research | Patient and Public Involvement

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Has a child you care for been in an ambulance with a painful condition?  If so we would really like to hear from you.  We are designing a research project that aims to improve pain management in children and young people treated by the ambulance service.  We are looking for parents/carers of children, or children and young people along with their parents/carers, who have been attended by an ambulance in the UK for a painful condition.

Research created with patients and the public is more likely to benefit patients, therefore you would part of a Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) group.  To take part, you do not need any research experience, and it would involve a short discussion, by telephone or videoconference, lasting no more than 60 minutes.  You would receive compensation for your time in the form of a £20 voucher per participant.  If you would like to find out more, please contact Dr Gregory Whitley at: Gregory.whitley@emas.nhs.uk

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145 Articles

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